Today I laughed watching Cougar Town.
I'm embarrassed to say I’ve seen every episode of this show ever made, but to be honest tonight was the first time I remember laughing. I’m not sure why I keep watching, maybe I feel like I owe it to Courtney Cox for all her work on Friends, or maybe I’m just way too optimistic hoping that something funny will happen.
While I have you, here are two things (of many) that have kept me from not laughing until now:
Number 1- Courtney Cox is not a cougar.
The last time Cox’s character did anything cougar-like was the pilot, and she changed her ways immediately after. Since about three episodes in, it’s been nothing but age-appropriate men and sitting around at home drinking wine. That’s false advertising! There’s no cougars on this show; it’s like us 23-year-olds don’t even have a chance.
Number 2- Courtney Cox’s hair never changes.
Come on Cox, even I change my hairstyle more often than this! It NEVER changes, it’s her going-out-hair, her real-estate-hair, her at-home-drinking-wine-hair, and that’s all she does. I haven’t seen that extreme part down the middle since I was 11, and it was in the mirror, and it wasn’t good. What makes you think it’s any better now? If someone doesn’t believe me that her hair looks like the girl version of an 11 year old boy in 1998, here’s proof:

If I grew it out and used body-enhancing conditioner, I’d have my own show by now!
Whether I like it or not, I’m doomed to keep watching this show. I’m committed but I can’t explain why. Congratulations Cougar Town, it only took you 33 episodes and Zach Braff.