Today I volunteered for Hockey Canada.
Now as much as it pains me to admit this, I realize that this blog may not be the most helpful thing to my fellow students and the world abroad (yeah I see your 24 hits South Korea!). Although pictures of myself and complaints about shower temperatures may make for a bearable read, it might not further your intellect.
So in an effort to correct this, I’m going to give you one little heads up before I head into Christmas break to sleep my days away. I know every first year journalism student probably got a sheet about an opportunity to volunteer for Hockey Canada at the upcoming World Under-17 Hockey Challenge, but there are only a few names on the list so you could probably still get in. It sounds like a lot of work but a great opportunity: doing both written stories and video interviews after the games to be posted on Hockey Canada’s website.
So let me know if you need contact information to find out more, and hopefully we can both get in.
What?! That's insane. So jealous.